Monday, December 15, 2008

Oh Dear

Seems like I severely underestimated the weather forecast. Why wouldn't I? They cry wolf all the time. Thank goodness I went to the grocery store on Friday....Just. In. Case. I've been stuck inside since Saturday night. It's cold. It's icy. It's snowy. Usually I love this sort of weather, but not when jailed with a toddler.

On the positive tip, I was able to finish New Moon after finishing Twilight several months ago. I must say, I enjoyed it much more than Twilight. Now, I know this won't win me any fans,'s because I prefer Jacob to Edward. Period.

That is all.


It Just 'Dawned' on Me! said...

OMGOSH!! Im a Jacob fan too....Im about 3/4 of the way thru the last book. Yeah, I started the series on Thanksgiving and I am almost done. LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOOVE IT!! :)

Something In The Glass said...

I read the first one back in, like, September. I liked it just fine, but to be honest some of that stuff was just a little to cheesy for me. But the second one? LOOOOOOOOOOVED it. And Love Jacob!!!!

Something In The Glass said...
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Katy said...

Jailed in w/ toddler or toddlers is not fun stuff and when you can't get out and about it makes you feel even more closed in. I'm so tired, I might not even know what I'm talking about right now.

Kally said...

How funny!!! I finished New Moon also while doing my time inside BUT I am Edward all the way! You can keep your hot blooded man. I like mine cold.